
Conifers for Shade

I have a shady yard, in large part because I have huge conifers—sequoia, spruce, cedar and fir. There are so many interesting conifers I would like to integrate into the […]

Spring’s Rebirth

In Spring, at the end of the day, you should smell like dirt.                                     Margaret Atwood, Bluebeard’s Egg Bergenia ‘Lunar Glow’ April is an exciting time in the garden. It’s the […]

The 15-Minute Gardener

Epimedium Admittedly, gardening is work. Unquestionably, the joys of gardening far exceed the chores necessary to keep the garden enjoyable for me, family and friends and visiting wildlife. However, if […]

Fragrant Plants Make Scents

Gardening is a sensory activity. Visual beauty. Restful sounds (think water, bamboo clacking, leaves rustling, and bird chirping). Tasty fruit, vegetable and herbal delights. An almost infinite variety of tactile […]

Favorite (Garden) Things

Two gardening shows—the Northwest Flower & Garden Show, Seattle, Wash., and the Yard, Garden & Patio Show, Portland, Ore.—provided lots of new ways of thinking about gardening. It’s always fun […]

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