
10-Minute University Class: Houseplants 101

Growing houseplants is a great way to add lush greenery to your home. Though some houseplants are nearly foolproof to grow, all plants need basic care. This session will introduce […]

10-Minute University: The Resilient Garden

As the climate changes, our gardens must become more resilient. The soil must withstand drought and flood; plants must endure blazing sun and drought; and gardeners must adapt to smarter […]

10-Minute University: Solve Pest Problem

If you would like to manage pests economically, while minimizing damage to the environment, this session is for you. Learn the principles and practices that will prevent and solve pest […]

10-Minute University: Good Bugs, Bad Bugs

Get acquainted with bugs in the garden. Find out which are foes, friends or neither. Don’t be surprised if some you consider to be enemies turn out to be beneficial! […]

Spring Candling of Pines

Learn all about the why’s and how’s to de-candle. Different cultivars of pines. Instructor Laura Dufala with Bentwood Tree Farm will explain the benefits and ramifications of de-candling each pine […]

Climate Resilience: At Home, In Your Yard, and Beyond

East Multnomah Soil & Water Conservation District is excited to partner with the Columbia Slough Watershed Council to present Climate Resilience: At Home, In Your Yard and Beyond workshop! Learn […]

Spring Fever Open House

10 a.m.–5 p.m. at all Cascade Nursery Trail (CNT) Nurseries! A three day extravaganza of garden touring, plant sales and special events at their annual open house, perfectly timed for […]

Landscaping for Wildlife

East Multnomah Soil & Water Conservation District is excited to partner with Leach Botanical Garden to present a Landscaping for Wildlife workshop! When it comes to attracting beneficial wildlife to […]

Beginning of Summer Garden Festival

Come join Cascade Nursery Trail member nurseries and MORE nurseries, garden art vendors at this Sebright Gardens sponsored event. Spend a beautiful day touring the gardens, shopping for a fabulous […]

Be sure to visit the website for each event for complete details and registration.

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