Spring Fever Open House
10 a.m.–5 p.m. at all Cascade Nursery Trail (CNT) Nurseries! A three day extravaganza of garden touring, plant sales and special events at their annual open house, perfectly timed for […]
Landscaping for Wildlife
East Multnomah Soil & Water Conservation District is excited to partner with Leach Botanical Garden to present a Landscaping for Wildlife workshop! When it comes to attracting beneficial wildlife to […]
Beginning of Summer Garden Festival
Come join Cascade Nursery Trail member nurseries and MORE nurseries, garden art vendors at this Sebright Gardens sponsored event. Spend a beautiful day touring the gardens, shopping for a fabulous […]
Midsummer Madness!
10 a.m.–5 p.m. at all Cascade Nursery Trail (CNT) Nurseries! Drive off those doldrums of summer by coming out to see what's happening in their long day gardens! Anything goes […]