Gifts for the gardener

What do gardeners really want for the holidays? That depends, for gardeners are as unique as the plants that they tend. Here are some ideas that may spark inspiration for what to give your plant-obsessed friends and family.

Unique indoor plants

The days are getting shorter and the nights are getting colder, but we’re still dreaming of the growing season ahead. Bring a piece of spring into your home with these unusual houseplant specimens.

Amaryllis and paperwhite bulbs
There are several bulbs that can be “forced” to bloom indoors for a gorgeous pop of winter color. They can be found at many garden centers late autumn through winter, and make great gifts! Plus, if they are well-cared for they can bloom year after year. Check out this blog to learn more

Tillandsia aka air plants
These unusual houseplants have been booming in popularity recently, and it’s easy to see why! Air plants are epiphytes, meaning they do not need soil to grow. In other words, they’re plants you don’t have to plant! The possibilities for creative displays are endless.

Another great gift for the gardener who has it all! “Terrarium” is just a fancy word for a self-contained growing environment, but they can be made with many different plants and planted in almost any kind of container. Check out this handy guide from Al’s Garden & Home on how to craft your own terrarium.

Bonsai is the ancient Japanese art of sculpting young trees and shrubs so they look like mature trees in miniature. The word Bon-sai literally translates to “container planting,” and almost anything can be made into a bonsai with patience and a little know-how. Portland Nursery has a comprehensive page on about what you need to know to grow your own tiny tree.

Essential tools and accessories

Every hobbyist is only as good as their tools! You may have the pruners, but do you have the holster to keep them in? What about important and oft-neglected maintenance accessories? These are just some of essential items that no gardener can live without.

Pruners and accessories
Pruning tools are like kitchen knives — you need an assortment depending on what you’re trying to cut. Everyone should have a sturdy pair of bypass pruners, but if you have trees and shrubs, you may also need some loppers or shears. For those with small gardens, a pair of petite snippers is essential for dead-heading perennials and harvesting delicate herbs and flowers.

If you already have all those, what about a sharpening stone? Oil for preventing rust and a holster to keep them at-hand in the garden? It may seem like a boring gift but trust me, come springtime a good pair of pruners are worth their weight in gold.

Gloves for every occasion
Just like pruning tools, a well-stocked garden shed will have multiple pairs of gloves handy for different jobs. Gauntlet gloves are a great way to keep a rose-lover happy (and scratch-free), flexible fabric gloves are crucial for day-to-day digging, and sturdy leather gloves are a must for any heavy lifting.

Gardening books
Check out your local bookstores’ selection of gardening books! From bonsai to composting, veggie gardening to pruning, there are so many books to add to your library and expand your gardening knowledge for growing seasons to come. Browse the Timber Press website for inspiration and best-selling books by gardening gurus.

For a splurge … a potting bench!
If you’re feeling extra generous this year, a potting bench is a deluxe gift for a very lucky gardener. Everyone needs a space to store their tools, and some of them come with cool features like soil-catchers which makes potting-up plants a breeze. There are dozens of options out there, but I recommend something rot-resistant with plenty of storage for keeping tools clean and dry all winter long.

Gift basket recipes

If you’re not sure what to get, go with a little bit of everything! Here some quick gift basket ideas for those who like to get their hands dirty.

Dreaming of Spring basket

  • Spring bulbs
  • Garden kneeler
  • Spade
  • Assortment of Flower Seeds
  • Gift card to your local nursery

Victory Veggie Garden package

  • Veggie and herb seeds
  • Veggie planting chart.
    • Use this guide for Oregon (PDF) from Oregon State University Extension, or this one from Portland Nursery (PDF), or consult your local Master Gardener extension program for information about what to plant when in your region)
  • Seed planting tray, seedling mix and a greenhouse cover
  • Plant stakes for labeling varieties

Houseplant Hoarder kit

  • Macrame plant hanger
  • Small pots and saucers
  • Slow-release fertilizer
  • Decorative rocks/moss
  • Grow lights
  • Gift card to your local nursery

Your best resource for finding plants, tools and gardening accessories is your local nursery or garden center! Check out our map to find the garden center closest to you.

Gifts for the gardener
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