
Art in the Garden

I was visiting local artist Patrick Gracewood at his studio/home/garden. In addition to being a wonderfully talented sculptor and artist, he is an avid gardener that takes great care when […]

Got Herbs?

By Gardennia nutii I grow a lot of herbs. They are fragrant and beautiful, and gathering herbs for a meal satiates the “gatherer” part of my instinctual needs. I’m sure […]

Falling in Love Again

I recently visited Oregon Small Trees, the destination of the June Random Acts of Gardening nursery tour (you have until June 15 to register for the tour). Not surprisingly—because it […]


I planted several Clematis around the base of an old and very tall mock orange (Philadelphus). The shrub looks a little forlorn until it leafs out fully and blooms, which, […]

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