
Growing Food at the Table

Photo by P. Annie Kirk You’ve probably heard of the Farm-to-Table movement that encourages using locally grown food to produce delicious, healthy meals. Increasing interest in CSAs (Community Supported Agriculture) […]

October Plant Sales!

• October 13 – Plant Sales from the Cascade Nursery Trail Nurseries—Most of the seven nurseries that comprise the Cascade Nursery Trail will participate in these two plant sales. Garden […]

Plants not Lawns

Contrary to popular food growing discourse, I’d like to see front lawns replaced with beautiful plants, or replaced with a combination of plants and hardscapes (which, by the way, includes […]

Motley Mazus

Photo credit: Monrovia Motley Mazus is what Stepables® calls Mazus radicans. Monrovia refers to it as Freckled Mazus. I was introduced to mazus at Little Prince of Oregon, a wholesale […]

Conifers on My Mind

Cathaya argyrophylla.  Photo courtesy of Buchholz & Buchholz Nursery I’m thinking a lot about conifers these days, in part because I’m contemplating registering for the American Conifer Society Western Region […]

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